Past Recommendations
The Staff Advisory Council committees review University Polices and make recommendations for additions or changes as deemed appropriate by the committee and its research. The following is a listing of recommendations that have been approved by the Council to forward to Administration seeking action. Once a recommendation is forwarded to the OSU Administration for action, they may approve it as written, modify it, or not take any action at all and deny the recommendation. Below is the list of past recommedations forwarded to Administration and the action that was taken.
Recommendation Code/Date | Issue Summary | Submitted by | Submitted | Status | Administration's Response/Notes |
150211PBB-36 | PB&B | May 2015 | COMPLETE | OSU Police Patrol cars will have AED device | |
No Number | Guns on College Campuses Resolution | PB&B | June 2015 | NO ACTION NEEDED | Provided Administration with a resolution to support the current policy of regulating weapons, etc. on campus |
150610PBB-37 | OSU Sick Leave Policy Update (Maternity/Paternity Leave) Policies 3-0716 & 3-0708 | PB&B |
June 2015 Reworded & resubmitted Jan. 2016 |
150610PBB-38 | OSU Policy 3-0331 Adm & Finance regarding the five continuous days of annual leave for employees handling cash | PB&B |
June 2015 Reworded & resubmitted Jan. 2016 |
PENDING | OSU Accounting reviewing policy |
20151111PBB-39 | Staff Dependent 100% Tuition Waiver | PB&B |
Feb. 2016 |
COMPLETE | Effective Fall 2017 |
20191009RPP-40 | Improve Form Design to Reduce Costs and Increase Transparency | PB&B |
2004/07/14 | 50% tuition waiver of undergraduate resident tuition, no fee waiver, to spouses & children of 100% FTE staff & faculty, or deceased staff & faculty, up to 123 hours. Child must be federal income tax dependent of living employee or such at time of employee's death. | PB&B | NOT APPROVED | ||
060913PBB-16 | Parking permits - reestablish walk-in service for those with limited access to computers/new employees | PB&B | COMPLETE | Kiosk computers are available in the lobby for customers to use to order a parking permit online, as well as assistance if needed to navigate the system. | |
080312PBB-20 | Employees who continue their education to receive or maintain licenses or certifications relevant to their trade or position receive a financial incentive or reward greater than or equal to the cost associated with getting the license or certification. | PB&B | COMPLETE | Incentive programs have been approved for programs including but not limited to CPA, PHR, SPHR, CCP, CBP, CPP, CFE, CRM, CGDR, and CAP. Each division will be encouraged to participate in the incentive programs as budget allows. | |
100113PBB-23 | OSU-Stillwater partner with existing child facility. Such partnership could range from guaranteeing certain amount of spaces each year or semester or designating an entire facility to OSU. | PB&B | COMPLETE | Last year, we sent a RFP twice. The original RFP received no responses. The second RFP received one response. We entered into discussions with the respondent and then put the project on hold when the respondent encountered some administrative problems. We will issue another RFP shortly, seeking one or more partnerships with child care facilities (4/12 update.) The second RFP did not receive any responses for child care providers. However, Human Resources is exceedingly pleased to report that OSU now has an extended Employee Assistance Program which will provide assistance to employees in finding suitable child care providers. The new service with ComPsych also provides a similar service for elder care and other family support issues. More information can be found on the website with the ID of OKSTATEEAP (4/13 update.) | |
100512PBB-24 | 4x10 work week beginning Summer 2012. Start plans now to see if feasible. | PB&B | COMPLETE | We have the Alternative Work Schedule available on the web and recently communicated it to campus within the April edition of Inside HR. There are many factors to consider including operations/academic calenders, day care provider communication and other issues. | |
100609PBB-25 | Incorporate walking trails into the OSU Landscape Master Plan. The routes will highlight the history of the campus and give information about various academics. | PB&B | COMPLETE | Six trails that range upwards from about 1/2 mile/15 minutes are being developed as a wellness/healthy campus initiative (4/12 update.) The Department of Wellness is working with other University departments to develop suitable identification of a trail on campus. The project was put on hold during the renovation of Monroe Street, but has now resumed (4/13 update.) | |
1000804PBB-26 | Pretax Payroll Deduction Options for Parking Permits | PB&B | COMPLETE | Beginning Fall 2011, payroll deduction was offered to those purchasing a permit. It is tax sheltered with no interest. Accrual and the payment plan can be extended up to nine months. | |
110209PBB-27 | Set up a university-wide standardization of incentives for staff certifications and educational attainment. | PB&B | COMPLETE | An educational incentive program has been established. Departments are encouraged to utilize incentives as budget permits. Certification incentives are developed as needed. Many already exist and are being utilized. | |
110309PBB-28 | With a new RFP for term life policy benefit that a free will/legal documentation preparation service option be included for all benefit eligible OSU employees. | PB&B | COMPLETE | Administration has agreed to subsidize one-hour of free legal services through ComPsych. In addition to the one-hour of free services, a discount of 25% off legal services has been negotiated for OSU employees needing support beyond one-hour | |
111206PBB-29 | BlueCross BlueShield of Oklahoma Local In-Network Air Ambulance Service Options. Recommend that OSU/BCBS negotiate a local in-network air ambulance service provider. If not immediately possible - employees should be notified of available options with full explanation of BCBS statement 100% of allowed charges and what this means to the employee. | PB&B | COMPLETE | OSU has facilitated an agreement between BCBS and Air MedCare (largest Air Ambulance service in the Stillwater area) to become a preferred provider for the BlueOptions and BlueChoice plans. OSU has purchased a family membership with Air MedCare for employees enrolled in the BlueEdge (high deductible plan.) | |
130410PBB-30 | The Staff Advisory Council recommends a short-term disability insurance option available for OSU employees for the Benefits Enrollment period in October 2013. Investigation by the Staff Advisory Council Policies, Benefits, and Budget Committee revealed that at least one insurance company provides a customizable short-term disability insurance. Specific coverage options include the amount of monthly benefits, the period-of-time to be covered, and the number of days before coverage begins. | PB&B | June 2013 | PENDING | Jamie Payne has requested a quote from current Long-term carrier (per her comments at May 2013 SAC meeting.) |
140212PBB-31 | Administration amend the payroll deduction option for payment of parking permits to allow staff to deduct their parking permit cost through payroll deduction in relation to assignment length, such as: 9 month, 10 month, 11 month and 12 month staff pay period assignments. | PB&B | Feb. 2014 | PENDING | |
140212PBB-32 | A short term disability benefit be added to available benefit options at the employees’ cost. | PB&B | Feb. 2014 | PENDING | 6/14 present to VP Weaver |
1400514ETEAM-33 | The OSU Staff Advisory Council (SAC) requests that a full-time staff member position be created to support the efforts of the Council. | ETeam | May 2014 | COMPLETE | 6/14 VP Weaver modified the proposal to 25% support and allocated a staff member in Adm/Fin to provide support to SAC. |
1400611OFFICERS-34 | The OSU Staff Advisory Council requests a stipend be paid to the Chair of SAC. | Officers | June 2014 | COMPLETE | Per request from Administration, SAC reconsidered recommendation. (See 140709 OFFICERS-35) |
140709 OFFICERS-35 | Rescind 140611Officers-34 | Officers | July 2014 | COMPLETE |